#9. Misinformation and the Upcoming South African Elections

June 2024

With a pivotal election coming up on 29 May, fake news makes moerse kak for our democracy, dividing us SAffers and making us feel that our voting system is lank skeef.

Key Insights:

Reinforcing beliefs: On social media, fake news usually just backs up what you already reckon rather than changing your mind. People buy into stuff that fits their vibe and call anything else fake, which causes major drama, deepening the political split and making honest convos tougher.

Polarisation and mistrust: Fake news turns the public sphere into a skelm place, where you can't clock what's true anymore. This mess-up of what's real makes everyone gatvol of politicians, fundis and even the system itself, shaking the trust we need for proper democracy. When we can't even agree on the basics, our whole democracy takes a knock.

Impact on voting behaviour: Even though fake news is lank dodge and might not flip the vote, it can put peeps off from even rocking up to vote, leaving you feeling confused and totes over it, especially if you aren't sure where you stand. This backing off can seriously shake up the election results.

What Can We Do?

To fight off fake news, we need to hone our thinking and digital skills.

Getting better at clocking what's legit and what's not is key to keeping our democracy safe. 

Education and awareness: Spread the word about media smarts programmes that teach you how to suss out the real deal from the dodgy stuff, starting from young and keeping it going into adulthood. 

Fact-checking and verification: Push for using legit fact-checking organisations and tools. Always double-check the info before you spread it around.

Engagement and dialogue: Let's get chatting, lekker-style, about political stuff, keeping it respectful and open to all views. We need to mix it up and think sharp, not get stuck in our own little bubbles.

For a deeper understanding of the psychology behind misinformation and its impact on elections, read this article by Frontline Behavioural Science: The Psychology of Misinformation.
Learn More: Read these manifesto breakdown by the Daily Maverick to understand the significance of this election:
Elections 2024
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